Contains the following types of materials: correspondence, newspapers, train schedules. Contains information pertaining to the following wars: World War I (WWI), World War II (WWII). Contains information pertaining to the following military unit and organizations: American Expeditionary Forces (A.E.F.), 38th Infantry Division. General description of the collection: The Alexander G. Kirby papers include officer's papers containing his letter to Robert Russ Smith, official Army historian, concerning Kirby's fighting at Zig-Zag Pass, Philippines, in 1945; railroad schedules for West Point Special (January 17, 1919 - August 28, 1919); A.E.F. Bulletin dated July 17, 1919, listing rules of riding trains that toured France; life boat assignment cards for United States Steamship (USS) Leviathan; and reports by General Pershing and others.